Tag Archives: inequality

Open Letter to Bernanke, Merkel and other G20 leaders: the Upside of Inequality

Spoiler alert, this is not a trick question. Give one human $10 (about 7.5 Euros for Ms Merkel) and another, luckier one, $1,000,000. The question is which of these two will spend a larger proportion of their gift on buying stuff? Continue reading Open Letter to Bernanke, Merkel and other G20 leaders: the Upside of Inequality

The End is Nigh; for sure; perhaps, could be, unless….

Ronald Wright in his splendid “A Short History of Progress,” makes a very strong argument that human civilization, in all its manifold forms, will collapse. That is, unless something is done to stop the accelerating environmental damage from the juggernaut of opportunistic development. Continue reading The End is Nigh; for sure; perhaps, could be, unless….