Tag Archives: Greed

Making Shit Look Good: Part 2: Just Say No


How many times have we heard the lament by individuals, businesses, large organizations and, in general, those in need of post-misdeed comfort: we are acting in the spirit, if not the letter, of the law, the regulation, the policy, ethics, etc.? So, the Canadian government has a new cell phone tower rule to replace the old guideline which seems to have been misunderstood by the companies supposed to be abiding by it. It used to be they had to consult with the locals (they read yokels) before putting up any of their attractive towers, if they were 15 meters or higher. Now they have to ask permission to go to the toilet for towers of any height. Why? Continue reading Making Shit Look Good: Part 2: Just Say No

Greed, Growth and Garbage: the unsustainable family

So, why are these words bunched together in the same phrase? Anyone who came up with the obvious, they have a neat arithmetic progression of 5, 6 and 7 letters, please go to nerd management training. They all begin with a hard G is an observation of such breathtaking obviousness, not to mention triteness, that it might just be the right answer, but it isn’t. Tacky attempt at alliteration? Ok, give up? Greed begets growth which begets garbage. Continue reading Greed, Growth and Garbage: the unsustainable family